A Trip

Quickly list five things you’d like to change in your life. Now, write a post about a day in your life once all five have been crossed off your to-do list.

The five things I would want to get done instantly:

  1. Have my own house
  2. Be happily married
  3. Be my own boss
  4. Play bass in a rock band
  5. Be in my best health

I guess by hypothetically knocking out these big accomplishments how does your life shift and what does it look like on a day to day basis. My list is specific but I think each one could have a broad meaning and plays into more of who I’m trying to be in the now.

I felt my day would start with doing meditation with my spouse. Starting the day off on a positive wavelength. I don’t really like cooking for myself, but if there is someone I care for that is there with me. Then I want to cook all the time. I think that goes into the being married. I can go find arguments that give love a bad name all night, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t arguments that support the agreement as well. I put marriage on the list because so much of my idols we’re married at one point. So why shouldn’t I give it a try.

I’m totally ignoring the commitment to the other person and really only focusing on what seems worth trying. I guess everyone will always have something to say. And there will always be that kind of judgment from sources that really have no concern for the inner kindness. What comes to mind is John Lennon and Yoko. So much of their relationship was a controversy for what John was supposed to be. That expectation was never enough to keep to the two apart. I think there are those speculations of why a person is the way they are but the things we share with only someone special, that sacred connection John and Yoko have is marriage. I would want to know I’m coming home to someone who sees me as charming as one of the Beetles.

 Back to the day.

We would discuss the day over breakfast and cover all that needed to be accomplished. I would share what’s for dinner and probably make plans to get dessert outside of the house. Of course I work at home. I have a den slash office where I do all my writings for work. I have strict office hours where I separate myself from everything and try to do an honest amount of work. Being my own boss making my own hours or at least feeling like I had say over how my time got used would not make my work feel so 8 to 5. If I had to leave the crib I would use a bike. Walking rather than driving so I’m not relying on a car to get around.

I said I wanted to play bass in a Rock band. The reasoning to that, I grew up playing the guitar, that’s the instrument that I play. Although it’s not the limit of my abilities. I think the whole rock band would be to justify that statement of being able to still rock but with a new instrument. There would be a band rehearsal later that afternoon.

Once I arrived back home I would start dinner. Always have the indigents for my signature dishes. Although I never mind if someone else takes the lead in the kitchen. Meaning ordering take out. At dinner I would ask questions about the day or share my insights from the day’s projects.

I have my Mom’s home and my Grandma’s home to connect to, yet that doesn’t mean I don’t want one of my own. A place where I can invent my own etiquette. Be my own landlord.

 After dinner we would sit outside and listen to music while the neighborhood went to sleep. Retelling old stories having new insight about up and coming ones. Entertaining the night with board games and old movies. Get something sweet if the sweet tooth is craving.

 Do the end of the night meditations and fall asleep. This was just a Monday.


Published by storiesfrommystomach

I am from a Village called South Komelik on the Tohono O'odham Nation. I enjoy poetry and philosophy. Hope you enjoy the blog! :)

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